Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development (SOP HRD)
Responsible institution: AM POS DRU (within Ministry of Labor, Family and Equal Opportunities) -
Funding allocation: € 3.47 billion between 2007-2013
The general objective of SOP HRD is the development of human capital and increasing competitiveness, by linking education and lifelong learning with the labor market and ensuring increased opportunities for future participation on a modern, flexible and inclusive labor market for 1,650,000 people.
Specific objectives:
- promoting quality initial and continuous education and training, including higher education and research
- promoting an entrepreneurial culture and improving quality and productivity at work
- supporting entry or re-entry into the labor market of young people and the long term unemployed
- developing a modern, flexible, inclusive labor market
- promoting re-entry into the labor market of inactive people, including those in rural areas
- improving public employment services
- facilitating access to education and the labor market of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups
Thematic priority axis:
1 – Education and training in support for growth and development of knowledge based society
1.1 Access to quality education and initial Vocational Education and Training
1.2 Quality in higher education
1.3 Human resources development in education and training
1.4 Quality in Continuous Vocational Training (CVT)
1.5 Doctoral and post-doctoral programmes in support of research
2 – Linking lifelong learning and labor market
2.1 Transition from school to active life
2.2 Preventing and correcting early school leaving
2.3 Access and participation in CVT
3 - Increasing adaptability of workers and enterprises
3.1 Promoting entrepreneurial culture
3.2 Training and support for enterprises and employees in order to promote adaptability
3.3 Development of partnerships and encouraging initiatives for social partners and civil society
4 – Modernizing the public employment service
4.1 Strengthening the Public Employment Service (PES) capacity to provide employment services
4.2 Training of the PES staff
5 – Promoting active employment measures
5.1 Developing and implementing active employment measures
5.2 Promoting long-term sustainability of rural areas in terms of HRD and employment
6 - Promoting social inclusion
6.1 Developing social economy
6.2 Improving the access and participation of vulnerable groups to the labor market
6.3 Promoting equal opportunities on the labor market
6.4 Trans-national initiatives on inclusive labor market
7 - Technical assistance
7.1 Support for SOP HRD implementation, overall management and evaluation
7.2 Support for SOP HRD promotion and communication